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Showing posts from January, 2008

Robobat ROBOT Freeware

ROBOT Millenium Freeware is a Windows-only structural engineering program, with a direct link to Revit Structure, 2D and 3D Frames (limited to 200 members) and plates and shells (up to 1500 nodes). Registration is required. Edit: it seems that the page is unavailable at the moment. Would the acquisition by Autodesk have something to do with it?

Pftrack match moving trial works as a PLE version

When you register and download the evaluation version of PFTrack (PC/MAC/Linux) it will continue to work as a Personal Learning Editio n (although with all exports disabled). You can save your project and work with the full functionality to learn about matchmoving. The commercial version is not cheap, although there is also a student version available. Register for the trial/PLE version This firm also sells a cheap version called PFHoe which is not free (about EUR 50), but is fast and streamlined and can be used in many cases. As an historic aside, the software was originally developed in an academic project, called Icarus , where it was freely available for quite some time.