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Showing posts from November, 2007

Rhino is coming to OSX

The highly popular NURBS modeller Rhino is being ported to run on Mac OSX. You can currently apply for the free beta-test and see if it works for you. The Windows version of Rhino is available as a free but fully functional trial which allows you to save (or export) 25 times.

Free STL viewer from Materialise

The Belgian firm Materialise , specializing in consultancy, services and development for rapid prototyping has released a free tool for inspection and conversion of STL files, based on their flagship Magics software. It's called Minimagics and is available for Windows. You can use it to inspect STL files and to optimize their format. The actual tools to correct errors and optimize the geometry are only available in their (expensive) commercial tools.

Free student version of Virtual Construction software (soon?)

Vico Software creates a suite of applications for Virtual Construction, which are based on Graphisoft ArchiCAD, combined with Estimator and Constructor software. Instead of describing a virtual building, they present this approach as virtual construction. Each element contains information about all required materials and manipulations, a recipe to construct the element, rather than visualize it. This is augmented with time planning facilities. They are planning to provide students with a free version of their software "soon". More information on . The software suite is only available on Windows and includes ArchiCAD.